Camilla Nielsen-Englyst

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Camilla Nielsen-Englyst has since its beginning in 2015 lived in in Denmark, the only ecovillage with its own zebra. The owner asked her parents many times, whether she could have her own zebra. The answer was always negative. She then contacted animal parks and over the years she kept her dream alive. Today she has her own zebra. The story is simple: hang on, don’t let anyone stop you and believe in your dreams. That advice is core in Camilla’s approach in her work with community groups, whether they are striving to establish an ecovillage, run a group project or build an organisation.

For the last few years, Camilla has worked as an international consultant in the Danish Red Cross Youth movement – running trainings and projects with volunteer groups globally. At the side, she has been engaged in the international projects run by the National Network of Ecovillages in Denmark, CLIPS being one of them, as the international project coordinator.

Her professional background is within Educational Studies & Learning – and Communications. She has co-facilitated three different EDE’s after taking her own at Findhorn in 2011. Focus is in the social dimensions; visioning, conflicting, communicating, governing, deciding, coexisting. Her ambition is to continue assisting people unleashing their potential, in groups – as community makes strong. Recently, Camilla joined the GEN Europe Council, where she wants to bring more outreach to the ecovillage movement.

The CLIPS really comes in timely as many ecovillage projects are evolving in Denmark these years. Important is to make own experiences – and equally to bridge to what has already been done, tried and learnt. Camilla can assist in creating that link, building on her experience with ecovillage design, life and processes.