Genny Carraro

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Born in 1976 in a little village in the Venice area (Italy), Genny lost her sight at the age of 2.

She is energetic, dynamic and enthusiastic person; She’s been always interested in human rights, social issues, active citizenship, ustainability, etc.


Education and profession

She speaks 6 European languages (English, Italian, Spanish, German, French, Portuguese), a degree in international and diplomatic studies, a master degree in humanitarian assistance; in  2010 she met the ecovillage network and she started   training in permaculture, regenerative agriculture, dragon dreaming, facilitation (IFAC) sociocracy, the world that reconnects, non violent communication etc.


She is also the co-foundr of the Processwork school in Italy, a methodology for conflict transformation and group dynamics where she is organiser, translator and student.

In 2002 she funded a non profit organisation (Children’s relief fund ONLUS CRF) to support street children in the Philippines and she’s been working as fundraiser, administrator, P.R. and liaison between Europe and the Philippines.

Having been also professionally active in raising awareness of environmental and social issues, She’s currently serving as managing director of the European ecovillages network

She is currently leaving in an ecovillage in Spain and  represents the ecovillage network in the European council of ECOLISE

Her biggest passion has always been and still is to work with individuals and groups, to serve as facilitator, mediator, social enhancer! I support groups with different facilitation methods. She runs courses and trainings and she is currently involved in 3 different European Educational projects with the aim of gathering informations and tools to support people and groups in our desire for sustainability and resilience in a moment of great and necessary change as the one we are living in.