Every community consists of individuals. A community can thrive only if individuals are honoured and respected. Individuals tend to thrive in a community if they approach life with a “learner’s attitude”, acknowledging that all they encounter is a part of the learning journey and therefore valuable, even if it turns out to be different than what they anticipated. Individual growth and community building work best in tandem when tools for deep sharing and feedback are consciously applied.

Community building does not happen by itself, it must be fostered consciously. Among basic requirements are common joyful activities and sharing in everyday life. Conflicts and difficulties are opportunities for designing appropriate organisation that supports community spirit. The form of organisation and the means of conflict resolution should be complementary.

Shared intention takes people beyond the assumption that “we all want to go in the same direction”. A clear, distinct intention gives orientation, especially in times when the group loses its track, unclear which way to go. Unclear intention can become a source of conflict, confusion and misunderstanding, therefore clarity should be pursued by all means. A sign of clarity is that members find intention statements (vision, mission, aim, and purpose) meaningful and identify with them. CLIPS Guide outlines examples of clearly formulated shared intentions which can serve the group well.

Efficient cooperation requires shared agreements, for instance on decision making, organising finances, legal representation etc.  These belong to the layer of Structure, and are, sadly, often neglected. Unclear structures are among key causes of long-term problems in group projects. On the other hand well developed structures, when disconnected from other layers, tends to be repressive and short-termed.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean vel massa at nisl vulputate efficitur a at sapien. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam sed metus volutpat, vehicula purus ac, ultrices mauris. Duis vel ipsum iaculis, tempus nunc vitae, tristique nisl. Fusce vestibulum, purus vitae commodo pellentesque, massa nunc cursus tortor, sed auctor sapien lacus nec ex. Phasellus dapibus, eros a elementum commodo, urna diam suscipit odio, et pulvinar eros nibh vitae ex. Aenean faucibus varius erat ut aliquam. Suspendisse in maximus purus. Nulla facilisi.