LOES is the umbrella organisation for around 40 eco-communities and likeminded projects in Denmark. The association was established in 1993 and aims to promote a way of life that cares for and respect all living beings and natural resources, through the establishment of eco-communities. The working methods of LOES are composed of networking meetings, courses, publications etc. Increasingly, LOES focuses on more external activities including adult education, wider networking and increased visibility. Phenomena like the financial crisis and climate change adaptions lead to an increased focus on the transition to sustainability – and ecological projects can reply with its practical examples of transition initiatives and the building of sustainable human communities. Education and training is therefore a priority growth area for LOES, that experiences a growing demand for assistance to upcoming projects and wishes to offer a more qualified response, in order for more ecovillages to take off successfully and sustain themselves further. LOES carries with it a strong network experience and a proud tradition of adult education based on‘learning by doing’ experiences and dialogue, which position LOES as a strong actor in the network of partners, promoting participatory methods and innovation in capacity development initiatives like this strategic partnership.