Eva Stützel

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Eva Stützel is a graduated psychologist who has been involved in community projects for the last 30 years. After living in a small community during her studies, being a scout leader and being engaged in political groups that worked communally for a change in the world, she joined the project that was preparing a big ecovillage in northern Germany in 1993. She has been living and working within this project, Sieben Linden Ecovillage, (www.siebenlinden.de) since then.


As a psychologist, she was often focalizing group sessions, and as someone who does what needs to be done, she was responsible for managing, administration and fundraising of the project for a long time.


In 2004, she started working as a freelance consultant for community projects and participated in a training for organizational development.


Her special focus is now at the edge between group processes and structures. She’s eager to support groups to find and establish structures that suit to their needs and that are supportive to the goals they have set themselves.


She’s experienced with ZEGG-Forum, DragonDreaming and many methods for facilitation and organizational development.

In 2015, she developed together with her colleague Martin Stengel the “Compass for community project development” that has been one of the sources of inspiration for the CLIPS program.