
Source: Paavo Eensalu

Best use: start organisational meetings

Check-in is a method for groups to tune into the work or process ahead. Check-in is done by briefly sharing with your group how you are in the current moment. This is often done with words, but can be expressed as a movement, sound or in any other way that works for the group. Others pay attention or listen mindfully to group members as they do the check-in.
Check-in informs the group about the collective atmosphere and how to work together.


Source: Arden Wong

Author: Arden Wong

Best use: uncover underlying issues

Constellations, also known as family constellations or systemic constellations, is a method initially developed by Bert Hellinger that makes visible the hidden dynamics and processes in a human system – family, community, work collective or any other group. Making the hidden visible creates an opportunity for changing the system through members changing their behaviour, thus constellations can have beneficial impact in group dynamics.

Read more on constellations


Source: GEN Estonia


by Scott Peck

Best use: community building, group discussion

Scott Peck has identified four main stages in community formation process:

  • pseudocommunity
  • chaos
  • emptiness
  • true community

Knowledge of these stages and conscious approach towards moving through these stages using various social tools can result in the formation of stable and vibrant communities true to their purpose.

Read more about Community Building Process

deep-listeningDEEP LISTENING

Author of abstract: mindful magazine

Best use: communication

Deep Listening involves listening from a deep, receptive and caring place in oneself to deeper and often subtler levels of meaning and intention in the other person. It is listening that is generous, empathic, supportive, accurate, and trusting. Trust here does not imply agreement, but the trust that whatever others say, regardless of how well or poorly it is said, comes from something true in their experience.
Read more about deep listening

dragon-dreamingDRAGON DREAMING

By John Croft

Best use: project design

Dragon Dreaming is an approach to design projects that are in service of the Earth, in service for the Community and in service for Personal Growth.
Dragon Dreaming points out that every successful project goes through 4 important stages: The Dreaming Stage, the Planning Stage, the Doing Stage and the Celebration Stage.
Each stage is as important as the other. We should dedicate ¼ of our ressources to every one of these stages.

Read more about Dragon Dreaming (short intro)


IIFAC links: Bea Briggs

Best use: organisational meetings

Facilitation is the art and practice to make meetings easier (from the latin root “facilis”), more effective, fun and productive for all the parties involved. The facilitator is an impartial guide of the group process, and is supported by active participants who help taking roles like time keeper, minutes taker, vibes watcher, and others. Essential elements are a clear and transparent Agenda, a shared and well-know decision making method and a solid plan for follow-up activities.

Facilitation methods

Short tips on the most common facilitation challenges


By Zegg Community

Best use: To create trust and transparency about emotional issues in a group

The Forum is a method of deep sharing developped by a family of community projects that came out of “project Meiga”, the ZEGG, Tamera and other smaller communities.

It is a method of deep sharing in a group that creates trust and mutual understanding.

Read more about Forum




Best use: organisational meetings

Bell of mindfulness is a method for bringing us fully into the present moment. It can be done with a bell or any other suitable sound-producing object. In the busy time of our daily life, we let our mind float away to many distractions. We forget about our body, our breath, and our mind; we forget about the unity of our mind and body. In order to remind us of this unification, the bell of mindfulness is meant for us to bring our mind back to our body. When we hear the sound of the bell, please stop what you are doing and take three breaths to bring our mind back to our body. Let this unification happen and be happy in the present moment.


Source: William Huston


By Marshal Rosenberg

Best use: communication, conflict resolution, conflict prevention

Nonviolent communication (NVC) is a method of conscious communication used to communicate clearly and empathically interpersonally and in community.

NVC focuses on three aspects of communication: self-empathy (defined as a deep and compassionate awareness of one’s own inner experience), empathy (understanding and sharing an emotion expressed by another), and honest self-expression (defined as expressing oneself authentically in a way that is likely to inspire compassion in others).

Read more on non-violent communication

proccess-workPROCESS WORK

By Arnold Mindell

Best use: facilitation, conflict resolution

Processwork is a methodology which offers facilitation and inner work methods exploring inherent patterns, potentials and emerging processes in relationships. Tense interactions and conflicts are seen as a calling for deepening relationships and bringing more awareness and diversity to them.

Read more about Process work

restorative-circlesRESTORATIVE CIRCLE

Best use: conflict resolution

A Restorative Circle is a community process for supporting those in conflict. It brings together the three parties to a conflict – those who have acted, those directly impacted and the wider community – within an intentional context, to dialogue as equals. Participants invite each other and attend voluntarily. The dialogue process used is shared openly with all participants, and guided by a community member. The process ends when actions have been found that bring mutual benefit.

Read more about Restorative circles


Author of abstract: Diana Leafe Christian

Best use: governance

Sociocracy (“governance by peers”) is a process for creating harmonious organizations, based on the values of equality, efficiency, and transparency. It is:

  1. A method for ongoing project management and governance, involving groups of people (circles) and double-links between two circles.
  2. A decision making method “Consent Decision Making”. A decision is only taken if there is no paramount reasoned objection against it.

Sociocratic decision making

Sociocratic election

Read more about sociocracy


Best use: On meetings. To create an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect

People sit in a circle. A talking object (commonly a stick or a stone) is passed around and only the person holding the object can speak. Others will listen. People are invited to speak and listen from their hearts. After they have spoken, they pass the object on to the next person. If that person does not want to speak, she or he passes the object on to the next person. Circles continues until nobody says anything in the entire round, or until the group decides to stop.