
Zones Of Interest

This tool makes visible interests that group members share in a visual and communal way.

Preference, not vote

Helping groups to define a list of preferences and urgencies among different choices, without creating polarization and tensions. It enhances lateral thinking, and encourages creative solutions.

Vision Bagel

To find out if the visions are shared. To have a list of aspects of the vision that are shared by the whole group.

Playing with systems

Get a sense of “collective consciousness” where no one is the leader Observe the complexity of systems Notice how a system responds when the conditions change Learn games that demonstrate concepts of systems and complexity Address rank issues in a dynamic situation

Easy-Access Minutes

Keeping everyone easily informed about the outcomes of meetings Find important decisions in minutes

The Creative Brainstorming

To come out with as many possible ideas about a certain topic To explore the unexpected and divergent. To give space to new or shy group members, and those who seldom contribute to the debate.

The Banana Split

To learn how the conventional market functions and how profits are distributed To reflect on how we as consumers can improve the situation and bring this perspective in the group’s vision and mission statements.

The Backcasting

Tool for mid-term and long term strategic planning. If meditation or visualization is used to bring the group to the future scenario, this dynamic should be led by an expert person to hold the emotions that can emerge.

The Arrow Diagram

Visual presentation of the project timeline and the relationship between tasks. Supports the group to plan the next steps and assign tasks to different people.

Find Your Secret Giant

To get a sense of our own “Secret Giants”: our hidden potential To learn to look at others and see their potential as well To learn to speak to one another honestly and openly about what we see

The Orchestra

The Orchestra is a group dynamic to show in a creative and effective waythe ability and willingness of individual to take their own personal powerand responsibility in the group.

The Ice Breaker

Tool to use with new groups, as an ice breaker which also provides info for all about shared background, practices and ideals of the other group members.

The Sound of Silence

The sound of Silence is an easy tool to use at the beginning of a meeting, after a break, or even during the meeting if the discussion gets out of hand and people talk at the same time, interrupting each other and creating confusion. It is based on non-verbal communication, the hand-code can be explained before the meeting or simply applied when needed, but in this case it work only if part of the group already knows it.

The Own Side / Other Side

To learn to see the other side of a conflict To explore the meaning of compromising and to experience the relief even temporary (rather than perfect) solutions can give To experience conflict as a gift for overcoming blockages and seeing things from different perspectives.

The Appreciation Sheets

Every person gets appreciative feedback about what other group members experienced with him / her / they.

The Human Bingo

The Human Bingo is useful to help a fairly large group of people who do not know each other to quickly gather information using the well-known Bingo format.

The Puzzles Game

To get people thinking outside the box; to stimulate creativity and cooperation; to make visible the advantages of sharing information.